The Joys of Buying an Older HomeThe Joys of Buying an Older Home

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The Joys of Buying an Older Home

My dream home was not new construction in a planned community. It was a rambling old structure in a neighborhood that was beginning to recover after years of decline. I got the place for a song and started in on all the tasks associated with restoring it to new glory. I soon found there was a lot to do. While the house was sound, it needed to be fumigated after several years of standing vacant. All the tile needed replacing, and the floors cried out for refinishing. Little by little, I got the place ready for me to move in. Today, I like to think it is the nicest home on the block. If you are thinking of buying a fixer-upper, try my tips. From redoing the wallpaper to choosing the right pest control service, what I learned will save you a lot of time and trouble.


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Protecting Your Lawn From Weeds

Weeds can be a persistent problem for many gardeners and homeowners who take pride in their lawns and landscapes. The use of harmful chemicals to control these unwanted plants can have negative impacts on the environment. As a result, you may have an interest in using some less well-known methods for managing weed problems without resorting to harmful chemicals.

Tip: Incorporate Companion Planting

Companion planting involves growing plants together that benefit each other by providing mutual support, pest control, or weed suppression. One way companion planting aids in weed control is by shading the soil to prevent weed seeds from germinating.

Examples of effective companion plant combinations include growing lettuce near taller plants like tomatoes or sunflowers since they help shade the soil around the lettuce and suppress weeds. Another example is planting onions with carrots because onions release compounds that deter carrot flies, while carrots release compounds that repel onion maggots.

Tip: Apply Natural Weed Suppressants

Natural weed suppressants are an environmentally friendly alternative to chemical herbicides. Many everyday household items, such as vinegar solution or boiling water, can effectively kill weeds without causing harm to the surrounding ecosystem.

To use vinegar as a natural weed killer, dilute it with water before using a spray bottle to apply it directly on the leaves of unwanted plants on a sunny day. Boiling water is another option for controlling weeds without resorting to chemicals. Simply pour boiling water over the weeds. The heat will cause their cells to rupture, and it may cause them to wilt within hours.

Tip: Follow Proper Lawn Care Practices

Maintaining a healthy lawn is one of the best ways to prevent weed growth. Proper lawn care techniques can help your grass outcompete weeds and reduce their success. Mowing your lawn at the correct height is essential for controlling weed growth. Longer grass shades the soil, which makes it difficult for weeds to establish themselves. Additionally, fertilizing according to your grass type and local conditions will promote a healthy lawn that can effectively compete with weeds.

Aerating your soil once a year will also improve lawn health by allowing more oxygen, water, and nutrients to penetrate the root zone. Healthy lawns have a better chance of resisting weed invasion.

Tip: Try Solarization Methods

Solarization is a chemical-free approach to killing existing weeds by using sunlight's heat under clear plastic covers during hot summer months. To solarize an area, remove any plants you wish to keep and water the soil thoroughly. Covering the area with clear plastic sheeting can cause the temperature under it to become warm enough to kill the weeds. While this is very effective, achieving full results can take several weeks.

For more information, contact a company such as Pro Services.