The Joys of Buying an Older HomeThe Joys of Buying an Older Home

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The Joys of Buying an Older Home

My dream home was not new construction in a planned community. It was a rambling old structure in a neighborhood that was beginning to recover after years of decline. I got the place for a song and started in on all the tasks associated with restoring it to new glory. I soon found there was a lot to do. While the house was sound, it needed to be fumigated after several years of standing vacant. All the tile needed replacing, and the floors cried out for refinishing. Little by little, I got the place ready for me to move in. Today, I like to think it is the nicest home on the block. If you are thinking of buying a fixer-upper, try my tips. From redoing the wallpaper to choosing the right pest control service, what I learned will save you a lot of time and trouble.


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3 Things To Know About Air Duct Cleaning

Just like any other part of your home, air ducts can accumulate dust, dirt, and debris. Air duct cleaning is often the best way to control this buildup in your ducts. Air duct cleaning is best left to professionals since they have the tools to clean your air ducts. Often powerful vacuums are used to remove dust and dirt from your air ducts. Here are three things to know about air duct cleaning.

Signs It's Needed

Knowing when to clean your air ducts can be tricky, and it varies from household to household. If you have pets, you may need more frequent air duct cleaning. If any household members have allergies, you may also benefit from more frequent air duct cleaning services. There are a few signs that indicate you need air duct cleaning soon. If your HVAC filters are unusually dirty, your air ducts may be to blame. Rising energy costs may also indicate that you need to clean your air ducts. Finally, if you see mold or dust near your ducts, you should get them cleaned.

How Much It Costs

There are a few factors that impact the cost of air duct cleaning. First, the size of your air ducts will affect your bottom line. Second, the type of air ducts you have also impact cleaning costs. For example, rigid ducts are easier to clean, while flexible ducts may require special equipment. Accessibility and how dirty your ducts are will also affect what you pay for cleaning. Air duct cleaning services average out to $269 to $486. You'll want to consider how much air duct cleaning services cost before committing.

How Often To Get It Done

Another thing to consider is how often air ducts need to be cleaned. The frequency with which your household requires air duct cleaning will vary depending on how much dirt and debris accumulate, among other factors. Some homes only need infrequent air duct cleanings, while others may need them more often. Air duct cleaning services are recommended for most homes every three to five years

There are a few things to know about air duct cleaning. First, some signs indicate that your home could use a good cleaning. Second, the cost of air duct cleaning varies depending on your ducts, but in most cases, it will set you back a few hundred dollars. Finally, how frequently your air ducts need to be cleaned will vary, but in most cases, cleaning is necessary every few years.